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Legal Action vs Monterey County

Monterey County Threatened Every STR

  • MCVRA has pleaded with Monterey County since 2013 for a reasonable short term rental (STR) ordinance.
  • MCVRA has attended countless meetings with County staff, Planning Commissioners, and Supervisors.
  • The County has drafted 5 different versions of ordinances.
  • Every draft has proposed an unacceptable, onerous use permit process for most STRs.
  • And any ordinance, good or bad, still remains far into the future.
  • On December 8, 2021, the Board of Supervisors approved the implementation of a proactive enforcement policy that will shut down most STRs in Supervisorial District 5. This includes the planning areas of Carmel Valley, the Greater Monterey Peninsula, and the Highway 68 corridor. It would have also affected the coastal areas of Big Sur, Carmel Highlands, and Pebble Beach but our lawsuit settlement protects these areas. 
  • The proactive enforcement requires no complaint or nuisance to issue a citation.
  • The County will find you through your advertisements and your transient occupancy tax (TOT) payments.
  • There is an STR permitting system in the inland (non-coastal) area.  The permit costs almost $8,000, will take many months, may be granted with additional restrictions, or may even be denied. Inland STR owners must choose to either shut down or apply for this permit.

This Left Us No Choice - We Had to Take Legal Action

  • MCVRA and a few STR owners formed a legal committee.
  • An attorney was retained.

Coastal Zone

  • In January 2022, a lawsuit was filed challenging the County's actions in the coastal zone based on the fact that this new enforcement policy had not been submitted for review by the Coastal Commission.
  • On June 16, 2022 a settlement was achieved with the County allowing coastal STRs to operate subject to a few requirements. The terms of the settlement continue until the County enacts a new ordinance regulating STRs. Click here for that settlement.
  • MCVRA will answer your questions about the settlement and how to operate your STR. MCVRA continues to fight for a reasonable coastal ordinance. We invite you to contribute and join MCVRA.

Non-Coastal/Inland Areas

  • There is a process to get a permit in non-coastal areas unless homeowner's association rules prohibit STRs.

  • MCVRA advises owners that want to continue renting on a short term basis to apply for a permit. Like it or hate it, this is our only choice. 
  • MCVRA will answer your questions about applying for a permit and operating your STR. MCVRA continues to fight for a reasonable non-coastal ordinance. We invite you to contribute and join MCVRA.

Pebble Beach/Del Monte Forest STRs Face Extinction

Unlike other inland areas of Monterey County where owners can apply for a permit, inland STRs in the Pebble Beach/Del Monte Forest (PB/DMF) area cannot get the required permit because the Pebble Beach Company (PBC) claims property restrictions prohibit "business" activity. The PBC interprets STRs as a “business” and asserts that it holds the legal right to enforce this restriction. The PBC also asserts that the original restrictions from purchases many years ago are conveyed to each future buyer. Unfortunately, Monterey County defers to the PBC. This issue obviously affects every inland DMF STR owner right now. Coastal DMF owners can currently operate an STR, without fear of County enforcement, under the terms of our coastal lawsuit settlement, but the terms of that settlement end when the County enacts a coastal STR ordinance. This issue will affect every DMF STR owner. 

This rquires legal action. Please join other DMF owners in this fight. If you operate, or wish to operate, an STR in the DMF, please donate to this legal action. 

We Need Your Financial Help to Succeed

We need support. We have requested an amount of just 1% of your annual rental revenue but you can donate any amount. With just a single booking, you can recover the cost. Consider your financial loss if the County shuts you down. Your all-volunteer MCVRA Board of Directors receives not a penny. Donate by credit card or PayPal. You can also send a check. Who would not contribute a tiny percent to save 100% of their income?

Donate by credit card or PayPal account - The button gives you the choice to make it a monthly donation.

Donate by check payable to "MCVRA" or "Monterey County Vacation Rental Alliance." Mail it to the address shown at the bottom of this page. Include your name.

Now Tell Us A Little About Yourself

Regulations and restrictions vary considerably depending upon the location of your short term rental. We need this to properly inform you. Click here.

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